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Document Viewer (pdf, xlsx, docs)

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Document Viewer (pdf, xlsx, docs)

Elementor Addons for "Document Viewer (pdf, xlsx, docs)" - Widget Compared

Hey Elementors,
do you want to embed a document on your web page? Instead of asking the visitors to download a document, it is better if you can request to view a document on the Elementor website. Then you can provide a better user experience by keeping the visitor on page. To get this job done, you may think about using a document viewer widget. There are multiple options to consider when you are trying to find a document viewer widget for Elementor. Here are some of the most prominent widgets out of them.

Dynamic.ooo ²PDF   Google_Docs

... solution for Document Viewer (pdf, xlsx, docs) Widget

The Element Pack document viewer widget for Elementor will help you to embed both PDF documents as well as Word documents on your website. By doing that, you can allow the visitors to read documents right on your website. You can even display these documents on any page you want.

Likewise, this tool will even help you to showcase an Excel document without a challenge. Once you start using this widget, you just need to do some simple configurations on it. Then you can get any document displayed on the website.


... solution for Document Viewer (pdf, xlsx, docs) Widget

A quick and a user-friendly document viewer widget for Elementor is offered by Dynamic.ooo. This document viewer is compatible with displaying multiple document types as well.

Along with the document viewer widget, you can gain access to complete documentation. By using documentation, it is possible for you to start working on the customizations on your own. Hence, we can highly recommend this to you as a user-friendly document viewer widget available to consider.


Addon Conlusion

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Dynamic.ooo ²PDF   Google_Docs

Now you are aware about a couple of best Elementor widgets, which you can use to embed documents and display on your website. All you must do is to pick a widget out of these and start using. Without just embedding the URL to download document and see, it is worthy to use this kind of a widget, so the people can go through content without being redirected.



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